Click the link below to access the Orlando Youth Alliance Continuing Education Scholarship Application. The following are required attachments to the application:
- Copy of school transcript from the Post-Secondary school (college or university) you are currently attending or copy of school transcript from the High School currently attending.
- Essay: 2 page, name on each page, double spaced, 12 sized font (spelling, grammar and structure will be evaluated) to include: short biography highlighting academic success and course work, impact or experience you have had by/as a LGBTQ student, focused major or career goal, why you selected it and how you intend to use in the future.
- One letter of recommendation from faculty member, school administrator, minister, or counselor.
- Description of degree program including courses required. This should be from the University catalogue. Printed excerpts must include bibliographical reference information for the original data source.
- Current Resume
Continuing Education Scholarship Application

Orlando, Florida -- The Orlando Youth Alliance (OYA) awarded five college scholarships to area youth. Recipients of the scholarships were Emily Mound (Seminole State College), Samantha Fuentes (University of Central Florida), Allen Barrett (University of Central Florida), London Nunn (Lake Sumter State College) and Hector Constanzo (University of West Florida). Nearly $7,000 was awarded. The OYA Scholarship Program is grateful to the generosity of Bill Neighbors and Tim Warzecha and the Walt Disney Foundation for their gifts to help fund a major portion of the program. OYA has been providing financial assistant to its members for over eight years.
LGBTQ Students and College Affordability
Point Foundation - The National LGBTQ Scholarship Fund
Intelligent - LGBTQ+ College Student Guide